Traditionally the bride arrives at the wedding marriage ceremony with her father, or the person chosen to give her away. The mother of the bride travels separately in a car with the bridesmaids to arrive about ten minutes before the bride.
The groom should arrive at the place of marriage well ahead of the bridesmaids together with his best man and the grooms party including the ushers.
Following the marriage ceremony the bride and her new husband travel together in the brides car to the reception venue.

Wedding transport is a very important part of the wedding day; it is the last journey a daughter will make with her father as a single person and her first journey as a married woman with her new husband.
Look for a well established wedding car provider with a range of vehicles for weddings which can accommodate the members of your party. Consider the practicalities of the cars; for example if the bride will be wearing a large skirted dress it will require a spacious area at the rear seats to avoid being creased or damaged.
Open top cars are fine for photographs but when travelling the wind and backdraft can destroy an elaborate hairstyle; check with the car provider how long it will take for the driver to lower the hood and re-erect it as often this can take half an hour.
Vintage and classic cars are very popular among brides who have chosen a traditional Church wedding.
Vintage cars are generally considered to be cars made between 1919 and 1930 whereas classic cars were made in the 1940’s to the 1970’s.
It must be appreciated that some vintage cars can only travel at speeds of around 35mph, so you will need to take this into account if the distances to be travelled are considerable. Older vehicles need to be very well maintained and can have a risk of breakdown.
Some wedding cars available are specifically made to meet the needs of wedding car companies such as the Beauford which is a 1930’s style car with Ford Cortina engine and running gear.
Generally wedding cars are provided for a period of about four hours or whatever you have agreed with the provider; most will not make multiple trips with the bridal car prior to the marriage to ensure that the car is spotless for the bride.
Time should be allowed for photographs with the car(s) at various stages through the hire period within the price quoted by the car provider.
It is not normal for the bridal car to be used as transport to the airport at the end of the evening reception. Companies can make a separate agreement to provide a private hire licenced car for this.
This is essential for you to check the condition of the cars offered but also your chance to sit each car to confirm the space available is sufficient for your dress. It is your chance to ask questions and draw from the experience of the supplier.
Reputable wedding car providers will have a high standard of dress code such as a grey suit, white shirt with plain tie, black shoes, chauffeurs cap and black leather gloves.
In the case of vintage cars the chauffeurs may wear authentic tunics and long boots.
Ribbons should always be supplied and fitted by the car provider. We consider that ivory coloured ribbons and bows are most suited to our cars but can provide a colour of your choice.
Flowers in the form of silk bouquets are normally provided in the rear windows of the cars.
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