Self love, practice it before the big day

With your wedding day coming up, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. The pressure and stress of last minute changes, vows to write and the thought of a marriage to work on for a lifetime can fill you with doubt and worry. These feelings are quite healthy and common, and with the most beautiful day of your life ahead of you now is the perfect time to reflect on how you choose to embark on this journey. Now is the time to practice self love. 

Practice self loveSomething we are quick to forget is that we should always nurture our own wellbeing no matter what situation we’re in. It is crucial for single people to love themselves first and foremost, as only then will they feel worthy of love from somebody else. But this stays true after you’ve found your partner and decide to get married. Loving yourself first is a gift you make to yourself and your husband, and working on it daily early on in your relationship gives a solid groundwork for a healthy relationship.

Think about this question: Shouldn’t you experience your own love first, the very emotion you pledge to give to your fiancé and promise to provide your beloved for the rest of your lives? Love is a beautiful and powerful thing, and starting with yourself will in turn allow you to find unexpected resources for a love you might not know existed deep within. By loving yourself first, giving priority to your own feelings and being your best advocate, you will be able to love your partner even more.

There are very simple ways to incorporate self love and mindful self care into your daily routine, so that you’ll be able to say ‘I love you, me!’:

- Get to know the real you

- Embrace who you really are to feel whole, as a strong entity adding to your partner’s whole self. You are who you are and he is who he is, and you can complete each other fully by being your true selves.

- Accept who you are, even your flaws

- You are human, therefore you should forgive yourself for whichever flaws you think you are. Remind yourself you are perfect the way you are and feel the glow coming from inside out. This glow will reflect on your relationship too.

- Don’t be afraid to thrive, and share your ambitions

You are allowed to have high hopes and big goals for yourself, and for your marriage. Set yourself for success by taking the reigns of this new life ahead of you. By respecting your own aspirations, your ambitions and dreams, you’ll respect yourself and will start a healthy marriage based on your ultimate truth.

Communication is one of the keys of a happy marriage so don’t hesitate to communicate how you are getting on with your journey of self-love. Your partner might be interested in embarking on this journey, too!

For more information and tips on how to love your true and authentic self, visit 

Andrea Pennington’s book I Love You, Me! is coming out in January 2018.

Picture: Courtesy of In Her Image Photography

Event Date: 
Thursday, November 23, 2017 - 16:15

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