Alanis Morisette sang about it, couples have nightmares about it and for many people, rain on your wedding day is a bad omen. However, we are here to tell you that showers on your special day can actually be the perfect backdrop to a romantic occasion.
Here, we talk rainy weddings and how to make the most of the bad weather by turning it into something spectacular.

Rainy Day? No Problem!
We have previously written about the lengths couples will go to avoid a shower on their big day, with some people paying up to £100k to have an aeroplane sent up into the heavens to literally disperse the clouds and bring about a blue sky. Of course, the vast majority of engaged couples do not include cloud seeding in their budget, so keeping fingers crossed for sunshine is often the only thing to do. The trick is to use it to your advantage in all aspects, from photography to décor, and create something romantic out of what others may consider a downside.
Make the Most of It!

One of the most unique ways to incorporate the bad weather into your wedding is through photography. There have been many couples who have chosen to pose together in the rain, sharing an umbrella, creating an almost rom-com aesthetic. Think the last scene in Four Weddings and a Funeral or the iconic kiss in the rain between Audrey Hepburn and George Peppard in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Ok, so maybe you won’t let your hair and dress get quite to wet but the swooning romance of a passionate kiss while the heavens rain down upon you is nothing short of movie-worthy and will certainly make a gorgeous keepsake photo for life.
Or, if swooning romance isn’t your thing, you can turn your wedding photos into hipster chic with the addition of some colourful Wellington boots and matching brollies. We love the idea of some cute pictures of the happy couple throwing protocol out the window and splashing in the puddles around their venue. It is even possible to get the rest of the guests involved to – buy a whole bunch of cheap but colourful wellies and a range of bright umbrellas and encourage your guests to get splashing and take their own fun pictures, it will be unique and memorable for the couple and the guests!
Protect the Guests
If you suspect the heavens may open on your big day, a contigency plan is needed. For outdoor weddings, make sure there is a marquee with sides to protect guests and ensure all perishables are covered up or at least able to be moved under cover. Guests may have dressed for summery weather, so why not have an umbrella on the back of every chair? Not only will they keep guests dry, but you could print the couples’ names and the date on it for a fun wedding favour.
The most important part of enjoying a rainy day wedding is not to get too miffed if a shower does come on. Play it off as the heavens crying in happiness at your union and try to adopt a bit of childlike wonder about the whole thing. Keep a smile on your face and a brolly in your hand - the first drop will cease to be a bad omen and become a drop of joy!

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